Kaip spręsti, ar motociklų padangos yra deformuotos
- 2021-06-22-
Ar žinote, kaip spręsti, ar amotociklo padangayra deformuotas? Šiame straipsnyje aprašoma, kaip nustatyti, armotociklo padangayra deformuotas
1 Observe with naked eyes. Has the middle of motociklo padangas been worn flat? Has the shape of the entire tire changed significantly compared to the new tire? Whether the tire shape is symmetrical.
2 If you feel that the naked eye observation is too subjective, you can also use the tread pattern indicator to judge. The several columnar protrusions pointed by the indicator arrow are on a completely horizontal line. Checking whether the tread depths at these columnar protrusions are the same can help determine whether the tireyra deformuotas.
3 Pajuskite transporto priemonės valdymą. Važiuodami jaučiate, kad po žiemos kairėn sukantis automobilis yra jautresnis nei posūkis į dešinę, o pakabos sureguliavime nėra jokių problemų, tikėtina, kad ilgą laiką statant automobilį deformuota kairė padangos pusė.
Note: The deformation of the front wheel is mostly caused by the asymmetry of the tire shape caused by the pressure deformation on the left side of the motociklo padanga, while the deformation of the rear tire is mainly due to the flatness of the tire.